Integrating Etsy with Instagram

Etsy is an incredible marketplace for getting your products out there, but as you grow, you’ll need to increase your audience. By using platforms like Instagram, you can dive deep into your audience’s communities and drive organic traffic to your shop! With Etsy360, you can integrate your Etsy products with Instagram Shopping!

Etsy to Instagram

3 Benefits of Integrating Etsy with Instagram

  1. More connections. By using social media platforms, like Instagram, you’re able to connect with your current and potential buyers, in a way that was never possible before! Instagram allows you to engage with other people through their content or messages, and this allows brands to reach out and build connections with their target audience! 
  2. Organic traffic. One reason Instagram has become such a popular choice is because of the amount of organic traffic you can obtain. Simply by being active, you can generate hundreds of targeted clicks per day, bringing in free and organic traffic to your website.
  3. Recurring sales. Another benefit to having more connections is the ability to generate recurring sales. Engaging with your audience repetitively will keep you top of mind when it comes time to purchase a product, so by staying active on social media, you can increase the amount of returning customers to your shop!

Increase Sales Through Integration

Selling on Etsy is one of the best ways to kickstart your business and get your products out there. They provide incredible tools that make hosting your store and managing your inventory easier than ever. However, as your brand grows, so will your need for new tools and customization, which is extremely limited on Etsy. 

Fortunately, now it’s easier than ever to integrate Esty with WordPress, giving you your own space on the internet. By using the Etsy360 plugin, you can connect Etsy with WordPress, and expand your marketplace to reach the world with your products! 

Why Use Instagram?

With over a billion users from around the world, Instagram has become home to any and every demographic, which provides an incredible opportunity for your business. Whether you’re selling pet products or dresses, you can become a part of a community that loves your products in just a few seconds! 

Instagram has a number of features that make it extremely popular. The first and foremost is the way content is shared. On Instagram, visual content is key, so if you can produce good content, you have the ability to thrive on the platform! 

Once you’ve found your target audience, you have access to what kind of content they engage with, and you’re a massive step closer to building an organic stream of traffic! Getting the ball rolling can be difficult, so check out the “Using Social Media to Build your Brand” section to learn how to build your profile and create engaging content!

What is Instagram Shops?

Instagram shops is a relatively new tool that allows businesses to sell their products directly from Instagram. Once you’ve established a small audience, you’ll be able to integrate your shop directly on Instagram! 

By using shops, you can tag products in your posts, taking buyers directly to your shop! This can be hugely beneficial, cutting out the navigation to the link in bio and product page. Cutting out the extra steps allows you to decrease the number of people that leave along the way. 

Etsy users may be reluctant to jump onto a new platform, or maintain both, and for good reason. Maintaining two shops used to be a huge hassle, but now with Etsy360 it’s easier than ever! You can automatically upgrade your inventory and sales, saving you time and giving you double the exposure! 

Increasing Sales Through Integration

Instagram has become an online center for communication and commerce, so what better place is there to bring your products? By using Etsy360, you can automatically update your products to Instagram Shops, in just a few simple steps. 

Integrating your Etsy store with Shops allows you to take advantage of countless opportunities, unique to Instagram, to find new buyers, and engage with recurring customers! 

Some of the most notable and easiest to use are: 

  • Tagged Products 
  • Instagram Communities 
  • Sharing Content 

Tagged Products 

One of the most powerful tools on Instagram shopping is the ability to tag products. This means any time you post someone wearing your dress or using your product, you can tag it, linking them directly to your Instagram shop! 

Instead of directing viewers the “link in bio”, and losing a majority of traffic on the journey from the post, to link, to product, you can simply sell your products directly from your post!

Instagram Communities 

While Instagram doesn’t quite have groups like Facebook, they have much broader communities to join. This can be done by using relevant hashtags or engaging with other people in your industry. By doing this, you’ll progressively learn which hashtags, content, and engagement strategies yield the best results. 

If your having trouble finding your community, type in your niche or product name and visit related pages, hashtags, and posts. This will give you an idea of what kind of content is already performing well in the niche.

Sharing Content 

Unlike Etsy, Instagam is centered around sharing content. So whether you grew up with them, or met them through the strategies above, you have the ability to build authentic connections and engage with recurring customers! 

Getting started, you can use Instagram to post updates and products to share with your friends and family. Whether they purchase or not, positive feedback will let Instagam know to recommend your products and posts to more people. 

As you tag products, engage in communities and share content, you’ll continue to build a following. This gives you more people to promote to and engage with, which allows you to build a snowball of traffic!

Using Social Media to Build Your Brand

Social media has integrated itself into our daily lives in many ways. The things we watch, each, buy, and share are all influenced by it. No matter who you’re targeting, platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest are home to nearly every demographic! 

No matter who you’re selling to, you can guarantee there’s a community for it somewhere on one of these platforms. The first step is to find out which platforms they’re on, and then you can dive into the groups, communities, and hashtags you’re audience participates in. By finding out which communities your target audience is in, you can build your brand’s presence and generate organic, recurring revenue! 

Once you’ve found out where they are, the first step is to build your brand’s profile. To do this, you just need your name, logo, and a brief description of what you sell. Now that your profile is set up, you can start producing content. 

Before you blow up your customers’ feeds with promos and sales, it’s important to understand what kind of content they like to consume. One strategy used to balance content in an approachable way is the 80/20 rule.

The 80/20 Rule of Social Media

The 80/20 Rule essentially states that 80% of your content should be educating, entertaining, inspiring, or interacting with your audience. This is because unfortunately, nobody wants to see products and sales every day while their scrolling through social media. 

The 80% lightens the mood, engages the community, and builds the audience. On the other hand, the 20% sells the products using promotions or sales. By using this rule, you’ll be able to reach a proven balance of content that you’re audience will engage with! 

Social media is super for sharing your products with audiences, no matter which content strategy you use. But what if you’re ready to build your own website, and you could bring your Etsy store with you? In the next section, we’ll go into detail on how you can do that with Etsy360.

Getting Started with Marketplace

Etsy is an incredible platform to get your products recognized, and it provides a great opportunity to build a following and get eyes on your products. However, once you know your products sell, you’ll need to expand. 

With Etsy360, you can expand into one of the biggest content marketing platforms, at no cost! This means you can build an audience and tag your products, all while letting Etsy360 update the transactions and manage the products! 

Now that you’re armed with the power to combine a great marketplace with an engaged audience, it’s time to head over to Instagram and create your shop!